How to build a Gatsby website with Google Sheets

by Ilias Haddad

Recently I created a Gatsby website that uses Google sheets as Database and. It took me some time to get it right but the process was not that tough and once I completed it I thought I would share how to build similar one with basic functionality

What we will be doing today?

  • Setup new Gatsby Project
  • Install and Config Gatsby Google Sheets Source Plugin
  • Fetch remote images and make them ready to use in Gatbsy Image
  • Query and Display the data from Google Sheets

Setup New Gatsby Project

  • Ensure you have the latest LTS version of Node installed (>= 10.16.0). 
    node --version
  • Install the Yarn package manager.
  • Ensure you have the latest version of Yarn installed (>= 1.0.2). 
    yarn --version

First, install gatsby-cli globally

 yarn global add gatsby-cli

Second, Create a new Gatsby website

gatsby new gatsby-google-sheets-starter

Finally, run the Gatsby website

gatsby-google-sheets-starte && yarn develop

Install and Config Gatsby Google Sheets Source Plugin

First, you need to get Google Sheets API credentials to be able to read data from sheets

  1. Go to the Google APIs Console.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Click 
    Enable API
    . Search for and enable the Google Drive API.
  4. Create credentials
     for a 
    Web Server
     to access 
    Application Data
  5. Name the service account and grant it a 
     Role of 
  6. Download the JSON file.
  7. Copy the JSON file to your code directory and rename it to 

Second, you need to install the gatsby source google sheets

 yarn add gatsby-source-google-sheets

Third, add the plugin in gatsby-config.js

spreadsheetId= // the id is after the []( ID/edit#gid=0

Fetch remote images and make them ready to use in Gatbsy Image

Note: I’ll use this Google Sheet as a demo

First, install gatsby-source-filesystem

 yarn add gatsby-source-filesystem

Second, add this code to gatsby-node.js

Finally, replace node.featuredimage with the field where you have remote image URL

Query and Display the data from Google Sheets

First, change pages/index.js file

Second, run the gatsby website

gatsby develop

Voila, You have a Gatsby website powered by Google Sheets

Gatsby Website Powered By Google Sheets

  • Gatsby
  • JamStack

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